Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Introduction To Our Sim!

For those just finding us, HHVET Victoriana is a lovely Victorian themed sim located in the virtual world of Second Life, and can be found here. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Alicorns%20Hold/35/237/47

Our sim offers light period RP, FREE homes, shops & stables for avatars, horseback riding & carriage driving, weekly events of all sorts and many more fun opportunities to enjoy SL and meet friends. We have an amazing tight knit community and high standards for ourselves and our residents.

Below is a pasted copy of our complete rules and info notecard - located in world at our landing point in multiple areas - be sure to stop by and visit us and consider making us your new home or shop space!

                                           HHVET VICTORIANA INFORMATION SHEET
Welcome to HHVET Victoriana - This notecard contains ALL the information you need to visit and become a part of our wonderful community. Please read carefully before leaving our landing area.

-HHVET stands for "Happiness, Harmony, Virtue, Equality and Truth, with a Victoriana flare. These ideals we hold strongly in our community. However you will hear many of the residents simply refer to the sim as 'HHVET' for short.

-HHVET Victoriana is a full region dedicated to the Victorian era, the golden age of the horse and carriage. It features a lovely decorated sim with lots of homes, shops and public areas to explore both on ground level and a few sky levels. We offer an array of events as well as free homes and shops in our community.  Keep reading to see our events and what we offer!

-HHVET Victoriana is a not for profit, close knit PG family friendly community of close to 500 spanning 3 groups, made up by people, animal avatars, furries, and anything in between. We are welcoming to any friendly face and do not discriminate based on what kind of avatars you wear. Though we are Victorian themed and many of us enjoy period wear - we do NOT impose a themed dress code - only asking that everyone be in PG attire - We don't want to see your parts hanging about in the breeze, whether you are a person, furry or quad animal.

We highly encourage you to join the HHVET Victoriana main group and enable notices, as we send all info out through notices first.. Group chat is OFF by default, but you can request to be added into the chatting role by one of the co-owners.


-We are pretty laid back here at HHVET Victoriana, however we take the job of keeping our community safe and friendly very seriously. We have a few simple rules we expect ALL visitors and residents to read and adhere to while staying with us. Failure to do so may result in being ejected from the sim or group, or even being banned permanently. with or without warning.

-KEEP IT PG ALWAYS - this is a PG FAMILY sim. NO sex or adult activity is allowed here, EVER. This is an INSTANT BAN offense. Those on two legs should be clothed appropriately. Animals are allowed to display gender differentiation but should NOT be blatantly showing off their bits or engaging in any kind of breeding. This rule applies to the whole sim, EVEN in one's house. Likewise sex furniture is highly discouraged (even if it's not being 'used') and the HHVET staff have full permission to decide if a piece of furniture needs to be returned.

-Keep it FRIENDLY - We are a close community and a welcoming one. Everyone here is more than happy to help each other and there is no reason to not be friendly here. We all get along - if you can't get along with us then you may be asked to leave and ejected from our group. This includes harassing residents, staff or visitors, on sim or in group chat. Staff reserve the right to decide who troublemakers are and remove them. Likewise, there is also no begging, spamming or advertising allowed in group chat.

-RESPECT private residencies - Not all the buildings are public here. Some are private homes and estates. Stores that are clearly stores and public spaces will have signs outside indicating such, as well as usually having open doors. Areas that are closed off or behind fences are typically private residencies and should not be trespassed upon, it's just rude. Rentals that are available will have a green ''available'' sign outside the entrance, these you are welcome to explore. If staff sees you entering private homes repeatedly you may be suddenly TP'd home without warning.

-Do not abuse fly or rezzing permissions. This sim wasn't designed to be flown around, and flying through peoples property is rude. Likewise, horses are always an acceptable means of travel, as well as small period related vehicles such as penny farthing bikes. Group members may wear their group tags and rez on the sim, however abusing this right or leaving your belongings laying around may mean this right being revoked.


HHVET Victoriana currently hosts several weekly and monthly events - below are some highlights of them and how you can find out more information, along with group joiners.

*Fine Driving* - A weekly event done on Wednesday evenings, typically 5-6. This is a semi formal RP friendly event where the two legged dress in their finery, the horse avatars put on their best harness wear and we cart about the sim all fancy like. It's a fun way to come together and just enjoy great company and horse and buggy. From time to time there will be incentives for joining, such as Victorian themed freebies and the like. You can read more about this event from the events board in our landing area.

*Book Club* - Our awesome book club is headed up by Meg Thorkveld. This event also has it's own group, and can be joined via my profile or the group joiner enclosed. This event is for book lovers of all kinds - typically meeting on Sunday evenings, we discuss genres of books we love rather than assigning a single book. This makes it fun for all and these are truly entertaining meetings. The book club is held in our public library (big brown building across from the mill) and a group joiner is also available there. This is an informal event. 􀀑

*Tea & Conversation* - This is a fun, informal gathering in the tea room located on the upper floor of our public library (same brown building across from the mill) We gather up here weekly, usually on a Monday or Thursday, and chat about anything and everything while enjoying tea and cake together.

*Carriage School* - We have a large group of horse avatars who enjoy teaching and interacting with guests. We offer a public carriage school that will allow visitors to learn the basics of driving around our sim. We also teach horseback riding in the traditional sidesaddle fashion.

*Horseback Riding* - Apart from lessons, we have sidesaddle horseback riding rezzers located in a few areas on the sim. These are meant to be used with Water Horse Mesh Horse AVATARS only. If you don't own or know any avatars you are free to use your prim wearable horses to explore also. Often times there are friendly horses who are guides or lesson horses for the sim who are more than willing to take you on a tour and show you what riding or carting a REAL SL horse is like.

*Countryside and XC* (Coming May 2014) Our country side is a sky level dedicated to nature lovers. It features winding roads perfect for riding, driving or walking, as well as some lovely pasture land and scenery. For horse avatars - it features our thrilling Cross Country course (XC) which is free to use (please pick up your riding systems when you are done)

*Monthly Photography Contest* - We hold a new theme for photography every month, and vote to win big prizes. Photos are featured in our art gallery. This event is for all group members, though only the first 10 entries may be accepted, so it's competitive! More information can be found both at our welcome area events board, and in the art gallery itself.

*7 Seas Fishing* - Located in the waterway by our mill (across from the library) is our 7seas setup. Feel free to use the vendors and enjoy some relaxing fishing. We even have custom made fish and prizes not found anywhere else from time to time as well as related fishing goodies for sale inside the mill.

*Midnight Mania*  - Next to the greeter board is our MM board, which caters to Victorian and Equestrian themed items. It only takes 15 hits to lock the board out - and the prize will be changed weekly, once the target has been met a few times.

*Hunts* - Several times a year HHVET Victoriana hosts it's own hunts, with various themes. However we also participate in many other hunts and will always have signs posted in our welcome area about what we're involved in and how to find the prize.

*Adoption Boards* - These boards are located in our welcome area and are for dedicated pet owners looking for a family companion, be it a horse, dog, cat or other. Instructions are located on the wall along with the boards.

*Impromptu Events* - From time to time we may hold completely random, unscheduled events, such as herd roundups, dance parties, and more. This is why it's important to have group chat/notices activated, or you may miss a good time!


-We offer a wide variety of free home and shop rentals here on the sim - simply wander about and look for green ''available'' signs outside of residencies to see what is available. We offer large and small homes, shops of various sizes, and a stable for horse or animal avatars. Prims vary depending on the building. There is a ONE TIME donation fee on a sign listed outside each property. and then properties are L$1 weekly to ensure the renter is active in SL. Keep reading to learn how to join the community.

-Joining our community is simple! First scroll down below a little ways and read our 'Tenant Rules' and understand them before continuing.

-Join the HHVET Victoriana group - you will need this group to be allowed to rez in the property.

-Roam the sim and find a space you like

-Pay the listed one time donation fee to Ivy Myst or a donation box directly - if you cannot see the sign texture feel free to ask. If Ivy is offline at the time please send an IM with your payment transaction, or a NC.  DO NOT PAY THE SIGN - It isn't able to accept L$.

-Pay the green rental box L$1

-Come back weekly to keep your space active.


-Sims are expensive - running this one costs $300 USD monthly and it is all out of pocket - we do not make any profit from offering our community freely to you. With this being said we have very high standards set for our residents. We feel these rules are not much to ask in return for free rentals and we hold our tenants to them.

-Tenants must be at least 90 days old. You may add alts and younger accounts to your box after renting, but the avatar who rents the box MUST be 90 days old at least. This is non-negotiable and any younger accounts who rent will be ejected from the rental.

-A ONE TIME donation fee is required for each space. This can be found on the sign outside of each vacancy. Please pay this to Ivy Myst directly or to one of our donation boxes around the sim. If you rent without paying this, we will place the sign directly in front of your door as a reminder for a day. If it still isn't paid, we'll reclaim the space. Likewise, if you let your rental box expire, the space will be reset and the donation fee will be required again.

-Rent is L$1 per week to ensure avatars are ACTIVE in SL. Our spaces are popular and it's not fair to hold one up for months if you aren't even here. We feel those who want to rent space in SL should at least be able to be in world once a week. The rental box will initially only allow you to pay one week in advance. However if you become a very active community member and are with us  a long time, the option to pay it forward for more time may become available to you.

-Rental boxes must be kept paid up - if a box expires there is no grace period unless you have an emergency and have made prior arrangements with Ivy Myst or Lord Rapperdy (who handles the boxes)

-You are allowed to choose ONE home space and ONE shop space, or combine the two. You may not have Two shops or Two homes. Likewise once rented, the space needs to be used. Rentals left empty for a week's time will automatically be reclaimed. We are about active community here, not just folks wanting a free space for the sake of free space. You may move from one space to another once per month if need be - but must pay the donation fee for each space.

-More prims are NOT available for rentals. It is the renters responsibility to stay within prim limit - if you go over a member of staff will IM you once to let you know. If the problem isn't fixed we will return items until you are within limit again.

-Store products do NOT have to be in Victorian theme, but DO need to be PG. As do decorations in the homes. Decor should remain IN your space only. Please do not decorate outside your space or in the streets. We are very picky about our decor and we have public decorations covered :) Staff reserve the right to decide what is appropriate or not in dealing with decor and shop items. Please use common sense.

-Shop owners MUST sell their own creations. Gacha items are OK to sell, but any other item needs to be your own creation and your own brand. Selling for someone else, or representing someone else's brand is not allowed.

-Because of our countryside skybox, we are not able to set parcel banlines any longer. We do however enforce no trespassing as much as we can and will take care of someone bothering your private rental if need be.

-These rules are subject to change and The HHVET Victoriana staff retain the right to call it like they see it if something is wrong. If you are asked to leave because of breaking our rules, our team nor LL is responsible or obligated to refund you, so read carefully and understand fully before renting. Ask questions if you don't understand something!


-To try to supplement the sim's tier we currently have a marketplace shop for the sim which can be found here. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/91944?  It offers many low prim, low cost items, period themed low prim furniture, clothing and more. All donations help our sim.

I also have a group solely dedicated to my product updates, blogger info, exclusive freebies and more - you can find it by using this group joiner below.

-My Plurk is often updated publicly with coming sim events, photos and more, and can be found here. Feel free to add me! http://www.plurk.com/IvyMyst

-We are on Facebook, although this page is not updated as often. https://www.facebook.com/HHVET

-We also have sister shops that offer MP links and sim info and sometimes hunt items located on these sims. Look for us here if you visit!

-The Shelter
-Water Horse Island
-Everest Creek
-Vintage Village

-We have an amazing team here who help keep things running smoothly for everyone. Pager boards are located in our landing area for online staff who reside here, but I am also including calling cards for reference.

-The Owners-
Ivy Myst - 􀀓
Benton Fretwerk -􀀃
Lord Rapperdy - 􀀒
Xanthippus - 􀀄

-Resident Admins-
Lava Ruby - 􀀌
Tyr Fluffy - 􀀎
Imperial Heirloom -  􀀋
Imperial Goldrush - 􀀊
Imperial Dynasty - 􀀁
Talisa Highwater - 􀀍
Stormy Hooves - 􀀂

-Group Chat Admins- These folks do not currently live on the sim, but can help you through group chat
Syrah Evans - 􀀉
Kesi Catwolf Hawksby - 􀀈
Rory Audion - 􀀆
Jake Audion - 􀀇